
17510 Pioneer Blvd, #208, Artesia, CA

Academic Policies

Academic Policies

Academic Policies

Grading Scale

Letter Grade Percent Grade 4.0 Scale
A 90-100 4.0
B 80-89 3.0
C 70-79 2.0
D 60-69 1.0
F 0-59 0.0

Academic Honesty Policy
At Charisma High School, any form of academic dishonesty from any student constitutes a serious offense and warrants penalty. Academic dishonesty is classified as follows: Plagiarism, Cheating, Falsification of academic records, and Fabrication. First instance of academic dishonesty must be discussed with the teacher and the student. The teacher has right to one of the following options: withdrawing such student from that course, assigning a failing grade to such student in that course, or referring the case to the administration. Academic dishonesty cases referred to the administration calls for a formal hearing, which the concerned student and the parent (if applicable) need to attend. Formal hearings are conducted via telephone conference call. The purpose of this hearing is to help the student know how to avoid any occasion that may result to academic dishonesty. Second instance of academic dishonesty warrants immediate expulsion from the school. Second instance of academic dishonesty from any student is recorded in such student's academic permanent record. Student's expelled from the high school as a result of academic dishonesty remains inadmissible to the high school.

Attendance Policy
All courses at Charisma High School are delivered 100% online. It is required that every student login to their classrooms frequently to interact with their professors and fellow students, exchange information, upload assignments, complete exams, etc. Each teacher tracks his/her student course progress; a factor that can greatly impact the student's final course grade. Students that are not willing to participate fully in this online learning are advised to withdraw from their classes.

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