
17510 Pioneer Blvd, #208, Artesia, CA

Our Courses

Our Courses

Our Courses

English 9a

Course Description: In this course, students will learn about different forms of literature. Discussions will pertain to universal themes in literature and the messages that they convey to readers. Learning Outcomes: At the end of this course, the students will:

  • Critically discuss the themes of different forms of literature.
  • Thoroughly understand both fiction and nonfiction literature.
  • Critically discuss universal themes found in literature.
  • Fully understand the primary components of literature such as essays, poetry, drama and plays.


  • Adolescent literature: Through this unit, students will explore literature with themes relevant to the youth.
  • Modes of writing and argumentation: Through this unit, students will engage with literature and write their own arguments pertaining to universal themes.
  • Semester Exam.

Suggested Book: Applebee, Arthur N. et al. The Language of Literature: Grade 9. Evanston, IL: McDougal Littell 2000 (ISBN: 0-395-93172-X)

English 9b

Course Description: This continues the literary exploration performed in English A. Other literary genres such as classical literature, thrillers and science fiction will be analyzed.

Learning Outcomes: At the end of this course, the students will:

  • Critically discuss the themes of different forms of literature.
  • Thoroughly understand both fiction and nonfiction literature.
  • Critically discuss universal themes found in literature.
  • Fully understand the primary components of literature such as essays, poetry, drama and plays.


  • Ancient myths and creation stories. Through this unit, the student will learn different reading strategies that enhance engagement with literature.
  • Selection of William Shakespeare's plays: Through this unit, the student will learn to understand old English terminology and dramatic elements used in Shakespeare's literature.
  • Thrillers and horror genres: This unit will encourage students to explore reading strategies that enable prediction of plot outcomes.
  • Term Paper: Through this paper, the student will critically analyze Harper Lee's To Kill a Mockingbird and present a critique on either style, theme, or literary devices used by the author.
  • Final Exam.

Suggested Books: Applebee, Arthur N., et al., The Language of Literature: Grade 9, McDougal Littell Inc., 2000, ISBN 0-395-93172-X
Wiesel, Elie, "Night", Any edition.

English 10a

Course Description: This course, discussions will focus on world literature, with focus on, Asia, the Europe and Africa. This course will also integrate grammar with literature, thereby adding a writing component with focus on grammar skills.

Learning Outcomes: At the end of this course, the students will:

  • Develop excellent grammar skills in writing.
  • Complete a diverse group of readings from the texts around the world, including, fiction, nonfiction, and poetry.
  • Be able to write or compose short stories and poems.
  • Understand longer literary pieces.


  • European literature: The class will explore Graham Greene's The Destructors, to be followed by a discussion on the impacts of the Second World War.
  • African folktales: Students will engage with the literary works of Verna Aardema, including, Anansi Does the Impossible! An Ashanti Tale, to be followed by a discussion on African perspectives.
  • Asian literature: Students will read Arundhati Roy's The God of Small Things, to be followed by a discussion on Asian perspectives.
  • Description and style: Students will learn about different styles and descriptions from world literature.

Suggested Book: Rochman, Hazel. Against Borders: Promoting Books for a Multicultural World. Chicago: ALA Books/Booklist Publications, 1993.

English 10b

Course Description: This course will focus more on drama and writing. Nevertheless, readings in class will still cover literature from different parts of the world.

Learning Outcomes: At the end of this course, the students will:

  • Critically analyze dramatic literature in different historical and literary contexts.
  • Be able to skillfully write a persuasive speech.
  • Develop an expanded vocabulary based on readings and applied to writing.
  • Discuss various forms of rhetoric devices.


  • American literature: Students will engage with the works of John Steinbeck, to be followed by discussions on irony,
  • European literature: Students will study the works of Rudolfo A. Anaya, including, Bless Me, Ultima: Coming of Age, to be followed by a discussion on coming of age in Europe.
  • Term Paper: Students will write a paper on George Bernard Shaw's Pygmalion, and analyze the various aspects of English society to which Shaw refers.
  • Final Exam.

Suggested Book: Applebee, Arthur N. et al. The Language of Literature: Grade 10. Evanston, IL: McDougal Littell 2000, ISBN 0-395-93172-X

English 11a

Course Description: This course will concentrate on American literature, from its origins to the 20th century. Students will study the literature of the Native Americans, the Puritans and the Civil War period.

Learning Outcomes: At the end of this course, the students will:

  • Gain mastery of standard modes of writing.
  • Skillfully write a formal essay of literary analysis as well as a formal research paper.
  • Develop grammatical and vocabulary skills through reading of literature and writing.
  • Complete readings on nonfiction, short fiction, poetry, and a full-length novel written by American authors.


  • Native American literature: Students will read literary pieces such as The World on the Turtle's Back, to be followed by a writing assignment on Native American traditions.
  • Puritan literature: Students will read literary pieces such as Upon the Burning of Our House and Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God, to be followed by a discussion on Puritan customs and traditions.
  • Literature on American liberty: Students will engage with the speeches of Malcolm X and Martin Luther King, Jr., to be followed by discussions on rhetoric.

Suggested Book: The Language of Literature: American Literature. Evanston, IL: McDougal Littell, 2000., ISBN 0-395-93181-9

English 11b

Course Description: This course explores American literature, starting from the beginning of the 20th century to the present time. Discussions will start with pre-World War I period and end in contemporary times.

Learning Outcomes: At the end of this course, the students will:

  • Familiar with wartime literature.
  • Critically analyze women's literary works, with focus on Emily Dickinson.
  • Develop excellent grammatical and vocabulary skills through reading of literature and writing.
  • Develop analytical skills related to the identification of symbolism in literature.


  • Women's literature: Through this course, students will familiarize themselves with women's literature, including, Dickinson's poetry and The Yellow Wallpaper by Charlotte Perkins Gilman. This will be followed by discussions on early 20th century social norms.
  • African American literature: Students will get acquainted with writings of Langston Hughes, to be followed by written assignments on racism today.
  • Modern romance: Students will learn about Tennessee Williams' A Streetcar Named Desire, to be followed by a written assignment on character development.
  • Research paper: Students will be assigned a written assignment on war themes of their choice.
  • Final Exam.

Suggested Books: The Language of Literature: American Literature. Evanston, IL: McDougal Littell, 2000., ISBN 0-395-93181-9
The Great Gatsby by F. Scott Fitzgerald. There are several versions available, such as the 1999 edition by Penguin (ISBN 0-140-77197-2). Any standard version of this text is acceptable.
A Streetcar Named Desire by Tennessee Williams. There are several versions available, such as the reissued edition by New American Library (ISBN 0-451-16778-3)

English 12a

Course Description: This course explores British literature, dating from the Anglo-Saxon period to the 19th century. This course also seeks to enhance reading comprehension as well as advanced writing/composition skills and vocabulary development.

Learning Outcomes: At the end of this course, the students will:

  • Gain learning of old English literature.
  • Critically analyze poetry from the Early Renaissance period.
  • Discuss Shakespeare's The Tragedy of Macbeth.
  • Critically analyze Enlightenment literature.


  • Old English language: Students will study Beowulf, to be followed by a discussion on old English words, what they mean, and how they evolved through the years.
  • Renaissance literature: Students will read Shakespeare's The Tragedy of Macbeth, to be followed by a discussion on mood and literary devices.
  • Renaissance poetry: Students will learn about the sonnet, examples of sonnets, and its main characteristics.
  • Enlightenment literature: Students will study the works of Jonathan Swift , with focus on satire and tone.

Suggested Book: Applebee, Arthur N. et al., The Language of Literature: British Literature, Grade 12. Evanston, IL: McDougal Littell, 2000., ISBN 0-395-93182-7.

English 12b

Course Description: This course is a continuation of discussions on British literature, covering the Romantic, Victorian and early modernist periods. Focus will be on advanced reading comprehension and advanced writing skills.

Learning Outcomes: At the end of this course, the students will:

  • Be familiar with the works of Romantic poets.
  • Critically evaluate symbolism used in Romantic literature.
  • Gain advanced writing skills using British spelling.
  • Analyze the underlying messages of British satire.


  • The Romantic poets: Students will study the works of William Blake, William Wordsworth. John Keats, Lord Byron and Percy Bysshe Shelley, to be followed by discussions on poetry analysis.
  • Victorian literature: Students will learn about metaphors and Victorian literature.
  • Social Critiques: Students will study Isabel Allende's Writing as an Act of Hope, to be followed by discussions on satires.
  • Final Exam.

Suggested Book: Applebee, Arthur N. et al. The Language of Literature: British Literature. Grade 12, Evanston, IL: McDougal Littell, 2000., ISBN 0-395-93182-7

Algebra 1a

Course Description: This course reviews concepts such as integers, exponents, and roots. Through this course, students will learn how to solve equations, and study proportions as well as absolute values. They will practice graphing linear equations, using slope-intercept form and learn about inequalities.

Learning Outcomes: At the end of this course, the students will:

  • Skillfully solve equations using various methods, such as, addition, subtraction, multiplication, division.
  • Compute measures of central tendency.
  • Create, analyze and interpret graphs and tables.
  • Depict data on coordinate planes and plots.


  • Real numbers: Topics include rational and ordering numbers; adding, subtracting, multiplying and dividing rationale numbers; and estimation.
  • Equations: Topics include solving equations, inverse operations, rations and proportions.
  • Inequalities: Topics include solving inequalities, compound inequalities, and inequalities involving two variables.

Suggested Book: Basic Mathematics for Grade 9 Algebra and Geometry: Graphs of Basic Power and Rational Functions by Tesfaye Lema Bedane, 2012. Bloomington: Trafford Publishing.

Algebra 1b

Course Description: This is a continuation of Algebra 1A, and reviews integers, fractions, as well as order of operations. Through this course, students will learn how to solve more complex equations through the use of graphs, substitutions, and eliminations. Other topics to be explored are exponents, polynomials, radicals, and data representation.

Learning Outcomes: At the end of this course, the students will:

  • Be skilled in adding, subtracting, multiplying, and dividing radical expressions, and polynomials.
  • Be highly competent in reading, writing, solving and graphing linear and quadratic equations and inequalities.
  • Solve absolute value equations and inequalities.
  • Gain familiarity with basic statistics.


  • Linear inequalities: Topics include writing linear equations and linear inequalities and graphing.
  • Equations: Students solve linear systems by graphing, elimination, substitution and elimination.
  • Polynomials: Topics include adding, subtracting, multiplying and dividing polynomials.
  • Quadratic equations: Topics include solving and graphing quadratic equations.

Suggested Book: Basic Mathematics for Grade 9 Algebra and Geometry: Graphs of Basic Power and Rational Functions by Tesfaye Lema Bedane, 2012. Bloomington: Trafford Publishing.

Algebra 2a

Course Description: This course covers relations and functions, and graphing such functions on the coordinate plane. There will also be discussions on exponential and logarithmic functions and how they are applied to the real world.

Learning Outcomes: At the end of this course, the students will:

  • Be skilled in solving linear and absolute value equations and inequalities.
  • Understand the ranges of a function .
  • Be adept at writing and graphing linear equations and absolute value equations.
  • Be skilled in solving quadratic equations using complex solutions.


  • Equations and inequalities. Topics include Solving and graphing linear and absolute value equations and inequalities.
  • Quadratic and radical functions. Topics include solving and graphing quadratic and radical functions.
  • Exponential and logarithmic functions. Topics include exponential and logarithmic functions, simplification of logarithms and changing exponents to logarithms.

Suggested Book: Staff of Research Education Association Research & Education Association, 2008. MCAS - Mathematics, Grade 10.

Algebra 2b

Course Description: This course continues from Algebra 2A, and starts with different forms of matrices. This course covers a review of polynomials, probability and statistics, conic sections, as well as the use of logic to real world problems.

Learning Outcomes: At the end of this course, the students will:

  • Fully understand, create and interpret matrices.
  • Be skilled in probability, combinations, permutations, and the binomial theorem.
  • Be adept in factoring and solving polynomials.
  • Be skilled in graphing parabolas, circles, ellipses, and hyperbolas.


  • Matrices: Topics include adding, subtracting and multiplying for matrices.
  • Advanced polynomials: Topics include polynomial operations and graphs.
  • Cones: Topics include parabolas, circles, ellipses and hyperbolas.

Suggested Book: Staff of Research Education Association Research & Education Association, 2008. MCAS - Mathematics, Grade 10.

Geometry A

Course Description: Through this course, students will learn how to use different tools to investigate geometry-based principles of logic, proofs, and constructions. The course will cover parallel and perpendicular lines, angles, triangles, polygons and quadrilaterals.

Learning Outcomes: At the end of this course, the students will:

  • Gain a basic understanding of geometry and its principles.
  • Critically discuss points, lines, planes, segments, distances, angles and triangles.
  • Be familiar with concepts of solid geometry with emphasis on space perception.
  • Be able to apply logic to undefined terms and postulates.


  • Introduction to geometry. Topics include points, lines, planes, segments, distances, angles and triangles.
  • Geometric transformations. Topics include isometry, translations, rotations, symmetry, and parallel lines.
  • Triangles. Topics include properties of triangles, parts of triangles, angles, isosceles and equilateral triangles and congruent triangles.

Suggested Book: Michele Audin, Geometry. 2009. New York: Springer.

Geometry B

Course Description: This course continues Geometry A, and explores deeper into concepts such as similarities, planes, and three-dimensional figures. There will also be discussions on areas and volume.

Learning Outcomes: At the end of this course, the students will:

  • Skillfully use ratios for the comparison of quantities.
  • Solve for polygon and circle areas using appropriate formula.
  • Solve problems related to similarity.
  • Gain understanding of three-dimensional area and volume.


  • Similarities. Topics include similar polygons, similarity and dilations and similar triangles.
  • Planes. Topics include quadrilaterals, parallelograms, trapezoids and kites, circles, tangents, arcs and central angles, lengths in circles.
  • Three-Dimensional Figures. Topics include properties of 3-D figures, prisms and cylinders, pyramids, cones, surface areas and volumes.

Suggested Book: Michele Audin, Geometry. 2009. New York: Springer.

Statistics A

Course Description: Through this course, the students will be acquainted with terminology, methodology and principles of statistics as applicable to the real world. This course will enable the students to understand statistical concepts and the various tools that facilitate their solutions.

Learning Outcomes: At the end of this course, the students will:

  • Understand the concepts of univariate data.
  • Gain knowledge about bivariate data and variables.
  • Interpret bivariate and non-linear data.
  • Be acquainted with research using statistical methods.


  • Univariate data. Introduction to univariate data, it applications to the real world, and depiction of data through bar charts, plots, pie graphs and histograms.
  • Bivariate data. Topics include introduction to bivariate data, types of variables, plotting bivariate data, and interpreting scatterplots.
  • Quantitative research. Topics include orientations with quantitative studies using statistical formulas and tools.

Suggested Book: David E. Bock, Paul F. Velleman, Richard D. De Veaux. 2014. Stats: Modeling the World. Pearson.

Statistics B

Course Description: This course continues Statistics A, and students learn how to effectively apply statistical methods. Through this course, students will be guided as they explore, plan and design a study using statistical formulas and tools.

Learning Outcomes: At the end of this course, the students will:

  • Learn how to conduct simple experiments using statistical data.
  • Skillfully calculate probability.
  • Understand discrete random variables as well as continuous random variables.
  • Apply concepts of sampling distributions, including, mean, median, mode and standard deviation.


  • Experiments. Topics include experimental units, variables, levels, experimental methods, and generalizations.
  • Probabilities. Topics include the concept of probability and its calculation through methods such as counting and multiplication principles as well as addition rule.
  • Random variables. Topics include discrete random variables and continuous random variables and how they are used in calculations.
  • Sampling. Topics include distributions such as mean, median, mode and standard deviation.

Suggested Book: David E. Bock, Paul F. Velleman, Richard D. De Veaux. 2014. Stats: Modeling the World. Pearson.

American Government A

Course Description: This course covers the American Government, its fundamental principles and beliefs, as well as the structure, functions, and powers of the different governmental levels, including, national, state, and local levels.

Learning Outcomes: At the end of this course, the students will:

  • Critically discuss the foundations of the United States government.
  • Understand the constitutional system.
  • Critically assess the electoral process in the United States.
  • Gain knowledge about World War I and the involvement of the United States.


  • Cornerstones of the American government. Topics include the emergence of the American government, federalism, the different branches of government as well as the concept of checks and balances.
  • United States Constitution. This topic will cover an analysis of the text of the American Constitution.
  • Electoral process. Topics include mechanics for elections at different levels of government, as well as electoral campaigns and various technologies used in such.
  • First World War. Topics include the cause of World War I and why the United States became involved.

Suggested Book: Understanding American Government. Susan Welch, John Gruhl, Susan Rigdon, Sue Thomas Cengage Learning, Jan 18, 2011.

American Government B

Course Description: This course continues from American Government A, with further explorations on the concepts of constitutional freedoms, civil political participation and American legislation.

Learning Outcomes: At the end of this course, the students will:

  • Fully understand the principles of justice and liberty for all.
  • Critically compare the political system of the United States with the United Kingdom.
  • Analyze policymaking process.
  • Compare and contrast roles and responsibilities of state and local governments.


  • Liberty and justice. Topics include the basic rights of Americans as provided by the Bill of Rights, civil liberties and Hernandez v. Texas,
  • Comparisons of political systems. Students will compare the political systems of the United States and the United Kingdom.
  • Policymaking. Topics include the policymaking process in the United States, covering sectors such as business, public health, social services, housing, education, and transportation.
  • Government levels. Topics will include the roles and responsibilities of state and local governments.

Suggested Book: Understanding American Government. Susan Welch, John Gruhl, Susan Rigdon, Sue Thomas Cengage Learning, Jan 18, 2011.

World History A

Course Description: This course covers world history starting from the prehistoric age to medieval civilizations. Discussed in this course are the histories of the ancient East and Nile civilizations; Greek and Roman civilizations; the Americas; Islamic, African, and Asian cultures; as well as the European Middle Ages.

Learning Outcomes: At the end of this course, the students will:

  • Discuss the migration of people, goods, and ideas throughout the history of the world.
  • Fully understand how geography has determined development and progress of different civilizations from different times.
  • Critically analyze the socio-political, economic and ideological factors impacting past civilizations of the world.
  • Gain knowledge about the fundamental social and familial structures of various historical cultures.


  • The dawn of mankind. Topics include the prehistoric ages and early humanity.
  • Ancient civilizations. Topics include the first civilizations in ancient East, Nile civilizations, and ancient Greece, as well as the rise and fall of ancient Rome.
  • Empires. Topics include the empires of India and China and how trade flourished in these regions.
  • Medieval times. Topics will include medieval Middle East and pre-colonial Africa.

Suggested Book: Jackson J. Spielvogel. 2005. Glencoe World History. 2005.

World History B

Course Description: This course continues from World History A. Discussed in this course are the European Renaissance, the emergence of new empires in Asia, absolutism, Enlightenment, nationalism, reform, World War I and II, and modern times.

Learning Outcomes: At the end of this course, the students will:

  • Critically discuss the differences between Northern and Southern Renaissance.
  • Trace the histories of the Roman Catholic Church through the Protestant Reformation.
  • Discuss the roles played by key figures during the Reformation and Counter-Reformation periods, including, Martin Luther, John Calvin, Henry VIII, Anne Boleyn, and Pope Paul III.
  • Discuss trade between the Americas and Europe, Africa, and Asia.


  • Emergent Asian empires. Topics include the Byzantine and Ottoman empires.
  • Renaissance period. Topics include the masters and key figures of the Renaissance period.
  • Early globalization. Topics include the flourishing trade between Americas and Europe, Africa, and Asia.
  • World Wars. Topics include causes, participants and resolutions of the two world wars.

Suggested Book: Jackson J. Spielvogel. 2005. Glencoe World History. 2005.

World Geography

Course Description: This course explores a broad range of geographical aspects. Covered in this course are North America, Central America, South America, and Western Europe, and the differences between them in terms of location, people, and migrations.

Learning Outcomes: At the end of this course, the students will:

  • Demonstrate understanding of world geographies.
  • Compare and contrast landforms, population, climate, culture, and socio-economic aspects of North America.
  • Compare and contrast landforms, population, climate, culture, and socio-economic aspects of South America.
  • Compare and contrast landforms, population, climate, culture, and socio-economic aspects of Central America.
  • Compare and contrast landforms, population, climate, culture, and socio-economic aspects of Western Europe.


  • World geographies. This is an introduction to world geography, including discussions on human geography and structure of the earth.
  • North America. Topics include the physical geography of North America, its systems, politics, economies and resources.
  • Central America. Topics include the physical geography of Central America, its systems, politics, economies and resources.
  • South America. Topics include the physical geography of South America, its systems, politics, economies and resources.
  • Western Europe. Topics include the physical geography of Western Europe, its systems, politics, economies and resources.

Suggested Book: Richard Rayburn. 2004. World Geography, Second Edition. Teacher Created Resources.

Geography and Society

Course Description: This course builds upon World Geography. It covers discussions on the human dimension of geography, including. culture, environmental impacts, politics and economics.

Learning Outcomes: At the end of this course, the students will:

  • Assess the environmental concerns that adversely impact human society.
  • Gain knowledge about different world cultures, including, religions and belief systems of the East and West.
  • Discuss major migration patterns that have led to multiculturalism in the United States and Canada.
  • Demonstrate knowledge about current world conflicts, the parties involved and their causes.


  • The environment. Topics include climate change, global warming, population growth and urbanization.
  • Cultures. Topics include Christianity, Islam, and other major world religions and their impacts on culture.
  • Migration. Topics include migration patterns that have led to multiculturalism in countries such as the United States and Canada.
  • Ongoing conflicts. Topics include the current wars in which the United States plays a role, as well as other conflicts in Europe and the Middle East.

Suggested Book: Richard Rayburn. 2004. World Geography, Second Edition. Teacher Created Resources.

Chemistry A

Course Description: This course is a general introduction to chemistry. Through this course, students will learn about matter, elements and atoms, formation of new substances due to chemical bonding, and chemical formulas.

Learning Outcomes: At the end of this course, the students will:

  • Understand the components of matter as well as how and why they transform.
  • Demonstrate knowledge about the atomic structure and the characteristics of an element.
  • Thoroughly discuss why substances transform and what can initiate these transformations.
  • Gain knowledge about chemical formulas needed to analyze chemical reactions.


  • Introduction to chemistry. Topics include characteristics of matter, matter and its various states as well as physical and chemical changes.
  • The Atom. Topics include protons, electrons and neutrons; atomic mass and neutrons; and, electron configurations.
  • Chemical formulas. Topics include oxidation numbers; finding oxidation number; polyvalent metals; polyatomic ions; and, chemical formulas.
  • Chemical bonds. Topics include valence electrons; electronegativity; ionic bonds; and, Lewis dot structures.

Suggested Book: Antony C. Wilbraham. 2006. Prentice Hall Chemistry. New Jersey: Pearson Prentice Hall.

Chemistry B

Course Description: This course continues Chemistry A, and has a laboratory component. Students will learn more about the properties of matter, chemical solutions, energy, and other disciplines of chemistry such as organic chemistry, of electrochemistry, and nuclear chemistry.

Learning Outcomes: At the end of this course, the students will:

  • Demonstrate knowledge about the various states of matter.
  • Demonstrate skills in handling chemicals in the laboratory.
  • Discuss the different forms of chemical solutions and their possible everyday uses.
  • Discuss the principles of organic chemistry, electrochemistry, and nuclear chemistry.


  • States of matter. Topics include particles, kinetic theory of matter, solids, gas and liquids.
  • Chemical applications. Topics include acids and bases, baking soda test, acid-base theories and acid-base reactions.
  • Laboratory. Topics include physical chemistry, energy, measuring heat, chemical reactions.

Suggested Book: Antony C. Wilbraham. 2006. Prentice Hall Chemistry. New Jersey: Pearson Prentice Hall.

Physics A

Course Description: This is both a classroom and laboratory course. Through this course, students will learn about the physical world and concepts related to motion, the laws of motion, physical system changes, momentum and force.

Learning Outcomes: At the end of this course, the students will:

  • Gain knowledge about the scientific techniques relevant to physics.
  • Critically discuss the principles of motion.
  • Use kinematic equations and apply them to everyday scenarios.
  • Understand conceptual frameworks and factual knowledge about motion.


  • Scientific techniques. Topics include scientific notations, measurements, models and graphs and laboratory safety.
  • Laboratory. Experiments include kinematics, speed, velocity, and acceleration, motion, acceleration and free fall.
  • Force and momentum. Topics include Newton's Laws, different types of forces including gravity, centripetal force, centrifugal force, and gravitational force.

Suggested Book: Larry Kirkpatrick, Gregory Francis. 2009. Physics: A Conceptual World View. Cengage Learning.

Physics B

Course Description: This course continues from Physics A. Through this course, students learn different topics such as thermodynamics; quantum physics, electricity, and the properties and behavior of waves. Students learn different conceptual frameworks, factual information, and analytical scientific skills.

Learning Outcomes: At the end of this course, the students will:

  • Understand how oscillations and waves behave.
  • Demonstrate knowledge about characteristics of electric charges.
  • Discuss the elements of quantum physics.
  • Understand the properties of heat and energy.


  • Waves. Topics include light and sound, pendulum motions, wave behavior, characteristics of sound and light, vibration and the Doppler Effect.
  • Heat energy. Topics include kinetic energy and heat, convection, conduction, and radiation and the laws of thermodynamics.
  • Electricity. Topics include electrostatics, electrical charge, Coulomb's Law, electric circuits and Ohm's Law.
  • Quantum physics. Topics include fundamental concepts of quantum theory and the photoelectric effect.

Suggested Book: Larry Kirkpatrick, Gregory Francis. 2009. Physics: A Conceptual World View. Cengage Learning.

Biology A

Course Description: In this course, students will learn about the science of life, the diversity of living things, as well as the makeup and various functions of the human being. This course has a laboratory component that will facilitate learning about living things.

Learning Outcomes: At the end of this course, the students will:

  • Understand cells and cell theory.
  • Understand the relationships between cells and energy.
  • Demonstrate knowledge about ecology theories.
  • Critically discuss ecological issues of today.


  • Cells. Topics include cell theory, the four basic biomolecules, enzymes, mitosis, cell cycle, DNA replication and cell division.
  • Energy. Topics include cellular need for energy, photosynthesis, leaf structure, respiration and metabolism.
  • Ecology. Topics include community ecology, symbiosis, biological communities , ecological issues and population dynamics.

Suggested Book: Martha R. Taylor, Neil A. Campbell, Jane B. Reece. 2007. Biology. Pearson Education.

Biology B

Course Description: This course is a continuation of Biology A. Students will learn about biological theories including that of Charles Darwin and his theory of evolution, and concepts such as the human body systems.

Learning Outcomes: At the end of this course, the students will:

  • Critically analyze theories related to human evolution and human systems.
  • Demonstrate knowledge of the human body and its functions.
  • Discuss various forms of reproduction among living things.
  • Understand the diversity of the animal world.


  • Reproduction. Topics include asexual and sexual reproduction, meiosis, seed germination and human reproduction.
  • Human body. Topics include the parts of the human body and their functions, homeostasis, and various systems.
  • Evolution. Topics include Charles Darwin's theory, natural selection, modes of selection and evidence of evolution.

Suggested Book: Martha R. Taylor, Neil A. Campbell, Jane B. Reece. 2007. Biology. Pearson Education.

Chinese A

Course Description: This course provides students with an introduction to the Mandarin Chinese language. Through this course, students will learn fundamental skills in Mandarin Chinese, including, speaking, reading, and writing.

Learning Outcomes: At the end of this course, the students will:

  • Learn basic salutations in Mandarin.
  • Demonstrate skill in making introductions in Mandarin.
  • Compare basic Mandarin characteristics with English.
  • Understand the concept of time among the Chinese.


  • Salutations. Topics include greetings in Mandarin and introducing oneself in Mandarin.
  • Basic introductions. Topics include family members and friends to others in Mandarin.
  • Language Comparison. Topics include comparisons and contrasts between Mandarin and Chinese.

Suggested Book: Mauricio Rezende. 2012. Learn Mandarin Chinese. Bloomington: Book Tango.

Chinese B

Course Description: In this course, students will gradually expand their Mandarin vocabulary. The students will also learn about Chinese culture and the roles that language plays in this regard.

Learning Outcomes: At the end of this course, the students will:

  • Describe foods, clothing, colors and weather in Mandarin.
  • Demonstrate skill in asking directions in Mandarin.
  • Critically analyze Chinese culture, with emphasis on the arts and music.
  • Demonstrate skill in spoken Mandarin needed when buying goods.


  • Clothing and Weather. Topics include the basic descriptions of clothing, food, and weather in Mandarin.
  • Directions. Topics include asking for directions and giving directions in Mandarin.
  • Culture. Topics include cultural achievements of China in arts and music.
  • Shopping. Topics include asking for price of merchandise and Chinese currency.

Suggested Book: Mauricio Rezende. 2012. Learn Mandarin Chinese. Bloomington: Book Tango.

Spanish 1A

Course Description: This course is the introductory phase of a four-semester Spanish course. Students will learn about basic vocabulary, grammar, sentence structure, and gender agreement.

Learning Outcomes: At the end of this course, the students will:

  • Be familiar with Spanish vocabulary words.
  • Demonstrate understanding of rules on Spanish grammar.
  • Understand basic Spanish dialogues.
  • Speak basic Spanish dialogues.


  • Introduction. Topics include the Spanish alphabet, articles and genders, pluralizing nouns and Spanish adjectives.
  • Tenses. Topics include proper past, present and future tenses of ar verbs and irregular verbs.
  • Time. Topics include telling the time, days, months, seasons.
  • Dialogues. Students will learn basic sentence construction.

Suggested Book: Ana Jarvis, Raquel Lebredo, Francisco Mena-Ayllon. 2010. Basic Spanish: The Basic Spanish Series. Cengage Learning.

Spanish 1b

Course Description: This course continues Spanish 1A, building upon the basis of the Spanish language. This course has greater emphasis on fundamental Spanish vocabulary, grammar, verb conjugation and sentence structure.

Learning Outcomes: At the end of this course, the students will:

  • Expand their Spanish vocabulary.
  • Demonstrate mastery of grammar rules.
  • Understand formal and informal dialogues in Spanish.
  • Speak formal and informal Spanish dialogues.


  • Verbs. Topics include differences between ser and estar feelings and locations, and verbs ending in er and ir.
  • Formal and informal speaking. Topics include formal and informal descriptions of places, family and events.
  • Activities. Topics include speaking in Spanish about places, sports, and school routines.

Suggested Book: Ana Jarvis, Raquel Lebredo, Francisco Mena-Ayllon. 2010. Basic Spanish: The Basic Spanish Series. Cengage Learning.

Spanish 2a

Course Description: This course builds upon Spanish 1A and 1B. Through this course, students will learn about expanded grammar concepts as well as more advanced techniques pertaining to conversations and dialogues.

Learning Outcomes: At the end of this course, the students will:

  • Demonstrate expanded learning of Spanish vocabulary words.
  • Understand complex Spanish grammar rules.
  • Read and write Spanish texts.
  • Critically discuss the various Spanish cultures.


  • Spanish cultures. Topics include the Incan civilization, and cultures of other Spanish-speaking nations.
  • Verbs. Topics include expressions with tener, and dar and ver verbs
  • Commands. Topics include direct and indirect commands.

Suggested Book: Ana Jarvis, Raquel Lebredo, Francisco Mena-Ayllon. 2010. Basic Spanish: The Basic Spanish Series. Cengage Learning.

Spanish 2b

Course Description: Through this course, students gain enhanced proficiency in speaking, writing and reading Spanish. Focus of this course is on the development of Spanish grammar skills and expanded vocabularies.

Learning Outcomes: At the end of this course, the students will:

  • Skillfully speak, read and write Spanish vocabulary.
  • Demonstrate understanding of advanced grammar rules.
  • Demonstrate skills in reproducing formal and informal verbal Spanish dialogues.
  • Demonstrate advanced skills in reading and writing Spanish.


  • Tenses. Topics include special characters, regular reflexive verbs, irregular reflexive verbs and non-reflexive uses .
  • Vocabulary. Topics include the preterite (er and ir ) verbs, the use of this one/these; that/those; those over there, and demonstrative pronouns.
  • Possessions. Topics include short and long forms of possessives.

Suggested Book: Ana Jarvis, Raquel Lebredo, Francisco Mena-Ayllon. 2010. Basic Spanish: The Basic Spanish Series. Cengage Learning.

French A

Course Description: Through this course, students are introduced to basic French. The focus of this course is on fundamental listening, reading, writing and speaking of French.

Learning Outcomes: At the end of this course, the students will:

  • Be familiar with French vocabulary words.
  • Demonstrate understanding of rules on French grammar.
  • Understand basic French dialogues.
  • Speak basic French dialogues.


  • Introduction. Topics include the French alphabet, articles and genders, pluralizing nouns and French adjectives.
  • Tenses. Topics include proper past, present and future tenses of regular and irregular French verbs.
  • Time. Topics include telling the time, days, months, seasons in French.
  • Dialogues. Students will learn basic sentence construction.

Suggested Book: Pamela Rose Haze. 2010. French Made Simple: Learn to speak and understand French quickly and easily. Random House.

French B

Course Description: Through this course, students gain enhanced proficiency in speaking, writing and reading French. Focus of this course is on the development of Spanish grammar skills and expanded vocabularies, including those pertaining to food, places and other people.

Learning Outcomes: At the end of this course, the students will:

  • a. Skillfully speak, read and write French vocabulary.
  • b. Demonstrate understanding of advanced French grammar rules.
  • c. Demonstrate skills in reproducing formal and informal verbal French dialogues.
  • d. Demonstrate advanced skills in reading and writing French.


  • a. Family: Topics include describing oneself and family members in French.
  • b. Hometowns. Topics include describing one's hometown, verbally and in writing.
  • c. Dialogues. Topics include more complex sentence construction.

Suggested Book: Pamela Rose Haze. 2010. French Made Simple: Learn to speak and understand French quickly and easily. Random House.

Music A

Course Description: This course pertains to music theory. Through this course, students will learn about the structure of music, as well as different musical elements.

Learning Outcomes: At the end of this course, the students will:

  • Demonstrate understanding of the language of music.
  • Appropriately use musical symbols.
  • Create different musical elements.
  • Critically discuss basic musical theory.

  • Introduction to music. Topics include definition of music, and classical and modern theories.
  • Musical symbols. Topics include staves and notes, treble, alto, and bass clefs, ledger lines, additional clefs, and tenor, baritone, and octave clefs.
  • Pitch. Topics include major and minor intervals, major and minor scales and modes.
  • Rhythm. Topics include duration of notes, rests, dotted notes, and slurs.

Suggested Book: Nancy Scoggin. 2010. Barron's AP Music Theory. Barron's Educational Series.

Music B

Course Description: This course continues from Music A. Through this course, students will learn about rhythms, scales, chords, signatures, notations, and various music formats needed for musical composition.

Learning Outcomes: At the end of this course, the students will:

  • Demonstrate understanding of scales and chord progressions.
  • Differentiate between varying musical forms.
  • Discuss the process of constructing songs.
  • Discuss the construction of harmony.


  • Scales. Students will learn about scales and chord progressions.
  • Composition. Topics include ear training and elements of a song.
  • Harmonic construction. Students will be asked to compose a song.

Suggested Book: Nancy Scoggin. 2010. Barron's AP Music Theory. Barron's Educational Series.

Health, Fitness and Nutrition A

Course Description: This course covers discussions on various types of health outcomes, stress, nutrition, exercise, first aid and environment. There will be discussions on healthy life-style choices.

Learning Outcomes: At the end of this course, the students will:

  • Demonstrate awareness about how fitness is attained.
  • Critically discuss the concepts of healthy minds and bodies.
  • Demonstrate good decision making pertaining to healthy lifestyles.
  • Demonstrate understanding of various health risks.


  • Healthy bodies. Topics include exercise, healthy diet, and various aspects about being fit.
  • Healthy minds. Topics include mental health and mental health issues,
  • Healthy lifestyles. Topics include decision making about healthy life choices and various health risk factors.

Suggested Book: Charles B. Corbin, Guy C. Le Masurier, Dolly Lambdin. 2007. Fitness for Life. Human Kinetics.

Health, Fitness and Nutrition B

Course Description: This course continues from Health, Fitness and Nutrition A. Through this course, students will learn about personal wellness, the perils of alcohol and drug usage and first aid.

Learning Outcomes: At the end of this course, the students will:

  • Critically analyze how healthy habits are formed.
  • Discuss how lifestyle changes can enhance overall health.
  • Understand how health and fitness can impact self-image and self-esteem.
  • Demonstrate understanding of the dangers of drugs and alcohol use.


  • Obesity. Topics include global obesity, childhood obesity, and prevention of obesity.
  • Lifestyle choices. Topics include personal wellness, myths about trendy diet fads, self-image and self-esteem.
  • Drugs and Alcohol. Students will learn about the perils of drugs and alcohol consumption.

Suggested Book: Charles B. Corbin, Guy C. Le Masurier, Dolly Lambdin. 2007. Fitness for Life. Human Kinetics.

Personal Fitness

Course Description: Through this course, students will learn the appropriate ways of dieting and consuming a proper nutrition. They will also gain insight about how they can evaluate their own personal fitness.

Learning Outcomes: At the end of this course, the students will:

  • Demonstrate understanding of how long-term fitness is attained.
  • Assess their personal fitness levels.
  • Understand how cardiovascular health is attained.
  • Design their own exercise programs.


  • Long-term fitness. Topics include fitness tests, cardiovascular fitness, appropriate body weight and measurements, and assessment of body fat.
  • Cardiovascular health. Topics include cardiovascular fitness and disease, the cardiovascular system, parts of the heart, and blood pressure.
  • Nutrition. Topics include recommended daily allowance, healthy food sources, and balanced diets.
  • Exercise Regimen. The final exam for students will be their own exercise regimen.

Suggested Book: Charles B. Corbin, Guy C. Le Masurier, Dolly Lambdin. 2007. Fitness for Life. Human Kinetics.

Physical Education

Course Description: Through this course, students will learn about physical activities for an entire lifetime. This course uses both physical activities and classroom activities.

Learning Outcomes: At the end of this course, the students will:

  • Demonstrate appropriate stretching, calisthenics and other proper techniques for exercise.
  • Discuss rules for safe lifting of weights.
  • Understand the rules of sports such as basketball, football, baseball, soccer and volleyball.
  • Discuss the benefits of individual sports such as hiking, biking, swimming, and running.


  • Exercise techniques. Students will learn and demonstrate proper stretching and calisthenics techniques.
  • Team sports. Students will learn and observe proper rules in team sports.
  • Individual sports.; Students will discuss the benefits of individual sports, as well as requisite safety rules.

Suggested Book: Jeff Carpenter, Christina Sinclair. 2011. Physical Best Activity Guide: Middle and High School Levels. Human Kinetics.

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