
17510 Pioneer Blvd, #208, Artesia, CA

About Us

School Policies

School Policies

American Disabilities Act of 1990
Charisma High School is committed to providing an education that does not discriminate and promotes ethical use of the computer technology. We strictly implement the requirements of the American Disabilities Act of 1990, which has a direct impact on the usage of media, technologies, and materials for online learning courses, especially with respect to our hard-of-hearing and deaf students. All online course media and materials with an audio component are either transcribed or captioned before we assign them (usually before the classes start) to provide practical accommodation for hard-of-hearing and deaf students. Since instructors may not know whether they have a hard-of-hearing or deaf students enrolled in their class until the end of the Drop/Add period, they are required to choose and develop accessible materials when they design their courses. Reasonable accommodations for students with hearing disabilities currently do not exist when instructors use synchronous audio communication technologies within a course. For example, we do not use online learning telephone conferencing systems when students with hearing disabilities are registered in a course, even when the participation of the student is not needed.

Affirmative Action Policy
Charisma High School recognizes the need for Affirmative Action and pledges its commitment to take on positive actions to address the effects of past practices or barriers to equal education opportunity and also to achieve the fair and full participation of people with disabilities, women, minorities, and older persons. The school also further states that it will conform to the anti-discrimination provisions of the Federal regulations and laws. We recognize the education difficulties experienced by minorities, people with disabilities and by many older persons and, where appropriate, we have set program goals to overcome the present effects of past discrimination, if any, to achieve the full and fair teaching and learning of such persons. In order to implement affirmative action policies, our staff has prepared an Affirmative Action Plan that includes programs aimed at eliminating discrimination and promoting fairness. The Affirmative Action Plan incorporates specific objectives, goals, actions, timetables, as well as a complaint procedure.

Sexual Harassment & Gender Discrimination of 1974
According to the U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission, "Sexual harassment is a form of sex discrimination that violates Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964. Unwelcome sexual advances, requests for sexual favors, and other verbal or physical conduct of a sexual nature constitutes sexual harassment when submission to or rejection of this conduct explicitly or implicitly affects an individual's employment, unreasonably interferes with an individual's work performance or creates an intimidating, hostile or offensive work environment". Charisma High School has zero tolerance on sexual harassment from any staff, faculty members, and or students. Appropriate law enforcement agencies must be notified in the event the school believes that sexual harassment has occurred.

Ethical Computer Use
Charisma High School upholds ethical computer use. Everyone within the community who uses the high school communications and computing facilities is responsible to use them in a professional, legal, and ethical manner. This means that every user agrees to the following conditions: Users must respect the integrity of the systems and must recognize that some data are confidential. They must also respect the rules and regulations that govern the use of equipment and facilities and they must not obtain unauthorized access to the accounts and files of others. Users must also respect the intended use of all accounts and they must follow the guidelines for and familiarize themselves with appropriate usage for the systems they access.

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